The governing body of U.S. college sports on Monday fined Penn State
University $60 million and voided its football victories for the past 14
seasons in an unprecedented rebuke for the school's failure to stop coach Jerry
Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.
NCAA President Mark Emmert
said the school had put "hero worship and winning at all costs" ahead
of integrity, honesty and responsibility.
Penn State was not given the
so-called death penalty that could have suspended its football program, but it
was banned from lucrative post-season games for four years and had the number
of scholarships available to players reduced from 25 to 15.
Penn State officials were
accused of not taking action after being alerted that Sandusky, a former
assistant football coach, was sexually abusing children. The scandal tainted
one of college football's leading coaches, the late Joe Paterno, and led to his
firing last year along with other top school officials.
The punishment, announced by
the National College Athletic Association at a news conference in Indianapolis,
was unprecedented for its swiftness and breadth. It was the latest blow to an
institution still reeling from Sandusky's conviction last month on child
molestation charges.
The case was another blotch on
the diminishing legacy of Paterno, who until Monday's action had held the
record for victories among big-time U.S. college football coaches in a career
that spanned more than 40 seasons. Paterno lost that status since the NCAA's
punishment includes voiding the Nittany Lions' victories between 1998 and 2011
- the time from the first allegations made against Sandusky to his arrest.
The Paterno family said on
Monday the NCAA's actions "defame the legacy and contributions of a great
coach and educator without any input from our family or those who knew him
"This is not a fair or
thoughtful action; it is a panicked response to the public's understandable
revulsion at what Sandusky did," the statement said.
Later on Monday, the Big Ten
Conference of college sports announced Penn State would forfeit its share of
revenues for post-season bowl games organized by the league, and the estimated
$13 million would instead be donated to charities devoted to the protection of
children. The $60 million will also go to programs to combat child abuse.
Emmert said the NCAA chose not
to levy the "death penalty" because it would have harmed individuals
with no role in the Sandusky scandal.
"This case involves
tragic and tragically unnecessary circumstances," Emmert said. "One
of the grave damages stemming from our love of sports is that the sports themselves
can become too big to fail, indeed too big to even challenge. The result can be
an erosion of academic values that are replaced by the value of hero worship
and winning at all costs.
"In the Penn State case,
the results were perverse and unconscionable," he said. "No price the
NCAA can levy will repair the grievous damage inflicted by Jerry Sandusky on
his victims. However, we can make clear that the culture, actions and inactions
that allowed them to be victimized will not be tolerated in collegiate athletics."
In June, Sandusky, 68, was
convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys over a period of 15 years. He awaits
sentencing and could be given as many as 373 years in prison.
This month, former FBI
director Louis Freeh released a report that criticized Paterno, who led Penn
State to national championships in 1982 and 1986, for his role in protecting
Sandusky and the school's image at the expense of young victims.
The NCAA penalty was handed
down one day after Penn State removed a statue of Paterno, known to adoring
fans as JoPa, from in front of the university football stadium.
Bill O'Brien, Paterno's
successor as head coach, said in a statement he was "committed for the
long term to Penn State and our student athletes."
"I knew when I accepted
the position that there would be tough times ahead," he said. "I was
then, and I remain, convinced that our student athletes are the best in the
country. I could not be more proud to lead this team and these courageous and
humble young men into the upcoming 2012 season."
Alan Milstein, a sports lawyer
who took on the NFL over its eligibility rules, said he agreed with much of the
penalty but faulted the NCAA's decision to reduce scholarships and impose a
hefty fine.
"I don't know how you can
say that money does not come out of essentially the students' pockets, whether
it results in increased tuition or a lessening of academic services."
But Jerry Parkinson, law
professor at the University of Wyoming and former member of the NCAA
infractions committee, predicted "the donors/true believers in Penn State
will step up to the plate so that the financial penalty can be absorbed without
the impact of some of the other penalties."
The NCAA and league penalties
will cost the school $15.5 million each year for four years and $12 million in
the fifth year according to Diane Viacava, the lead analyst for Penn State at
bond rating agency Moody's Investors Service. That is a tiny portion of the
nearly $4.6 billion that Penn State made in revenue last year, making the
immediate financial impact of those penalties on the school
"minimal," Viacava said
College football is a huge
generator of money for major U.S. universities such as Penn State because of
large television contracts and the millions of ticket sales. Penn State's
program was rated the third most valuable by Forbes magazine.
The NCAA acted with
unprecedented speed, relying on Freeh's findings instead of conducting its own
investigation, though Emmert said the NCAA reserves the right to conduct its
own investigation at a later time.
Freeh's report, commissioned
by the university's board of trustees and released on July 12, said Paterno and
other high-ranking school officials covered up Sandusky's actions for years
while demonstrating a callous disregard for victims.
Paterno was fired by Penn
State's board in November, days after Sandusky was arrested for the abuse.
Paterno died in January of lung cancer.
In 2001, graduate assistant
Mike McQueary witnessed Sandusky assaulting a boy in the showers at the Penn
State athletic complex. McQueary told Paterno, who told Athletic Director Tim
Curley, who subsequently talked with then-university Vice President Gary
Schultz and university President Graham Spanier. No one went to the police.
Spanier was fired in November
at the same time as Paterno. Curley and Schultz have been charged with perjury
for allegedly lying to a grand jury investigating Sandusky and for failing to
report suspected child abuse. They have pleaded not guilty.
The university also is under
investigation by the U.S. Department of Education for possible violations of
the Clery Act, which requires colleges to collect and report daily and annual
crime statistics and issue timely warnings.
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