In the defining moment of a testy
debate, President Barack Obama lashed into Mitt Romney on Tuesday over the
Republican's criticism of his handling of a deadly attack on the U.S.
diplomatic mission in Libya and sought to cast him as unfit to become
Moving to regain
lost ground after a weak performance in the first presidential debate, Obama
fought back against his rival's accusations that he had played down the Sept.
11 assault by Islamist militants in Benghazi that killed the U.S. ambassador and
three other Americans.
Romney, who
dominated the candidates' previous encounter, appeared stunned as Obama
launched a finger-wagging counterattack over an issue that has become a
flashpoint with just three weeks to go in a presidential race considered too
close to call.
The exchange came
near the end of a debate dominated mostly by arguments over the economy, jobs
and taxes, considered voters' main concerns in the Nov. 6 election.
Romney and his
aides have sought to use the Benghazi incident - as well as anti-American
unrest in other parts of the Arab world - to dent Obama's national security
credentials and accuse him of pursuing a failed Middle East policy.
But Obama came
out swinging in their second debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New
York, accusing Romney of exploiting the Benghazi attack in an effort to score
"offensive" political points.
"While we
were still dealing with our diplomats being threatened, Governor Romney put out
a press release, trying to make political points, and that's not how a
commander-in-chief operates" Obama said, referring to the Republican's
initial criticism of the administration's response before the full extent of
the bloodshed was known.
Obama and Romney
argued testily in front of a group of undecided voters over whether Obama had
come out fast enough in describing the Libya attack as terrorism, and the
president appeared to get the better of his opponent.
"I stood in
the Rose Garden and I told the American people and the world that we are going
to find out exactly what happened, that this was an act of terror," Obama
Romney was
incredulous. He challenged Obama's assertion, apparently unaware of Obama's
remarks the morning after the Benghazi attack.
"Get the
transcript," Obama told Romney in the closest thing to a smack-down moment
in the 90-minute debate.
"He did, in
fact, sir," moderator Candy Crowley said, siding with Obama. "He did
call it an act of terror."
A transcript of
the Rose Garden appearance that day shows Obama said: " acts of
terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."
But despite that
comment, some of Obama's top aides had initially attributed the Benghazi
violence to protests over an anti-Islam film and said it was not premeditated,
before finally
much later that it was a terrorist attack.
And Obama, in a
Sept. 24 taping of an appearance on ABC's "The View" program, also
seemed to hedge when he was asked whether Benghazi was an act of terrorism. He
said it "wasn't just a mob action" but pointed to an ongoing
Obama said for
the first time on Tuesday he was "ultimately responsible" for the
safety and security of the Americans killed in the attack. "I'm the
president and I'm always responsible," he said.
Seeking to
recover from his apparent misstep, Romney pointed to the administration's
shifting explanations of the events in Benghazi, suggesting it had been an
attempt to mislead.
"It took
them a long time to say this was a terrorist act by a terrorist group," he
In the months
before the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, U.S. and allied intelligence
agencies warned the White House and State Department repeatedly that the region
was becoming an increasingly dangerous vortex for jihadist groups loosely
linked or sympathetic to al Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.
Despite those
warnings and bold public displays by Islamist militants around Benghazi,
embassies in the region were advised to project a sense of calm and normalcy in
the run-up to the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.
supporters have accused the administration of being slow to label the attack as
terrorism to avoid detracting from the president's campaign narrative of being
a strong world leader who put al Qaeda on the path to defeat.
Polls have shown
national security a strong point for Obama with voters, especially after the
killing of Osama bin Laden.
Going on the
offensive, Obama sought to depict Romney, who has little foreign policy
experience and has stumbled during his occasional forays on the world stage, as
ill-prepared to take on the role of commander-in-chief in a dangerous world.
Romney fired
back, saying the Benghazi incident "calls into question the president's
whole policy in the Middle East."
"Look what's
happening in Syria, in Egypt, now in Libya. Consider the distance between
ourselves and Israel," Romney said. "We have Iran four years closer
to a nuclear bomb."
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