Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Candy Art

Throughout the ages, artists in the creation of paintings tried many methods, but Jonas • test diss the success of the method is very strange, "sweet", he chose to use "rubber bear candy as an artistic medium.
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on December 24, Meredith completed a test of the 57-year-old German artist works usually thousands of rubber to use sugar. Is through these colorful rubber sugar test diss for us to show the image of Marilyn Monroe, Mona Lisa, Kennedy figures. The only portrait of Marilyn Monroe spent 3200 candy.
It is understood that the test diss to complete each painting takes 100-240 hours, if such pay is not enough hard while creation can hold back the temptation of sweet candy more commendable.
Material selection, only the shape completely fixed rubber small snacks to choose from, too big, too small, or slightly deformed items are substandard. It is reported that so far, the test Diskin has used in his works one million the number of "rubber bear" sugar, the average annual cost three tons of candy.

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