Thursday, December 6, 2012

Herald News: Letters, December 5, 2012

Boehner, GOP must come around
It's absurd for House Speaker John Boehner to claim that the GOP received a popular mandate as the result of the Nov. 6 election. Voters across America voted overwhelmingly for President Obama, for the Democratic Senate and, yes, even for the Democratic members of the House of Representatives.
The Republican majority in the House of Representatives is due in large part to gerrymandering. It's because of shrewd maneuvering by GOP legislative majorities in red states like Texas. In some of these states, Republicans drew congressional district lines so that Democratic voters were crammed into as few districts as possible.
Boehner can't honestly claim a popular mandate for anything. The American people spoke and continue to speak. We don't buy the GOP mantra. In the election and in polling since, Americans are showing that we support a tax system that doesn't cater to the rich, that we honor the rights of women and minorities, that we encourage the search for non-fossil fuels and that we generally favor all of the other progressive governmental policies championed by our reelected president and the Democrats who ran with him.
Boehner and the GOP should get over it! You lost! The American people disagree with you! Stop your obstruction! Let's get on with it!

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