Monday, August 20, 2012

Tony Scott Autopsy Conducted—Was Cancer Revealed?

The hunt for at least some answers began today when an autopsy was performed on the 68-year-old filmmaker amid reports that he was suffering from inoperable brain cancer.
His death is being investigated as a suicide, but, as tends to be the case, the official cause of death has been deferred pending the results of toxicology tests.
L.A. County Chief Coroner Ed Winter also said that he couldn't confirm the cancer diagnosis, noting that the examination of Scott's brain may not have been completed yet.
However, the lack of definitive info comes as TMZ reports that Scott's wife, Donna Wilson, told investigators that reports of her husband having terminal cancer are "absolutely false" and that he didn't have medical issues that would have prompted him to take his own life.
Julian Bray, described as a friend and former colleague of Scott's, told Britain's Sky News that the director of Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop II, True Romance and so many more action-packed films had a history of depression.
Five essential Tony Scott films
"But whatever happens," he added, "Tony Scott has left behind an amazing raft of work and a lot of people would be very very grateful to him for what he's done. And of course our condolences are with his family and everybody else connected to him."
According to authorities, Scott left a note with contact information in his black Prius, which was found parked near the Vincent Thomas Bridge after he jumped at around 12:30 p.m. yesterday, and then a suicide note was found in his office.

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